Monologue Competition


Monologue Competition FAQs 2022

Virginia Theatre Association’s Monologue Competition 2022

Mission of Competition:

The Virginia Theatre Association continues to work towards recognizing performances of our members. This year’s conference will include a monologue competition for secondary students in grades 8-12 with two categories of competition divided into grades 8-10 and grades 11-12. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner for each category announced at our annual conference awards.


--Any student registered for the Virginia Theatre Conference may enter the Monologue Competition.

--Cost per student is $10.

--Students must select a monologue that is performed in one minute or less.

--Students in Grades 8-10 may select any monologue of appropriate length and content. Students in Grades 11-12 from select a monologue that is from a show (must include name of play and playwright on form), and should be of appropriate material for presentation (please avoid strong language or graphic content).

--There is no limit to the number of students from a school that may enter.

--There are two categories. Students in Grades 8-10 will be judged as a group and students in Grades 11-12 will be judged as a group.

--Students will perform while at conference; date and times TBA and will be communicated by directors.


-- There is no official dress code, but students are expected to treat this like an audition and should present themselves in a professional manner.

-- All students are expected to slate with their name, their school’s name, and monologue choice (ex. character/show name) before presentation (this is not a part of their time).

-- Any student can request to start over in their monologue, but will only be allowed 3 restarts before DQ.

How to Register:

-- Directors or Students can sign up for competition during their registration for the annual conference. Competition payment should be made at this time; communication will be sent following registration deadlines.

Monologue Declaration Form (Submit by October 20, 2022)


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Sample Rubric